piątek, 13 grudnia 2013

yo boy and girl.!

So much to win.!
I get a new job.!
Thats not the end of lucky news.!
Work adn Travel project is even more possible for me 
than I thought it could ever be.!
Be prepared America, handsome polish guys are coming to you.! :D

Sometimes I think I won my life on lottery and its the most precious thing and the only I could ever win.
Job, possibilities to travel all over the world, best friends I know from childhood and that I know from Uni :)
I'm not devoted, but Is impossible to receive so many good things
without any help from that 'higher side'.
It's priceless.!
Even if there are things or people in my life I wish they gone better.
I still believe there is something I need to understand before receiving them.

There is only 7 days until my next journay.
Am I happy? hard to say...
It's an experiance I wanted to live, some people can't understand why I am doing that.
I can't trully explain that, it helps me to understand real world, philosophy of my life.
This is who I am.!

I wanted you, but it was platonic as hell.
thats a sentence of the week.!
good luck anyway.!


I'm not getting naked here, sorry.
showbiznes nie dla mnie... 

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